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BMW Criticises Tesla's Autopilot System As Not Being Fully Developed

Following the launch of Tesla's 'Autopilot' autonomous driving system a couple months ago, the Californian-based electric car company became one of the first automakers to offer such an advanced system. However, it isn't yet faultless and according to BMW chief executive Harald Kruger, this is because of Tesla's mentality. While speaking with German newspaper Handelsblatt recently, Kruger said that Tesla launched Autopilot as if it were a smartphone application, in that it was only 70-80 per cent ready and would then be refined and finished following consultation with customers. “In the app industry, you can launch products on the market that are 70 to 80 percent ready and then complete their development with the customer. That is absolutely impossible with safety features in a car,” Kruger said. Kruger went on to reveal that BMW currently has technology able to drive cars on its own at speeds of up to 120 km/h. Unlike Tesla however, he says BMW won't launch such a system to the public until it is completely ready and free of any possible glitches. Tesla itself has admitted the shortcomings of Autopilot with chief executive Elon Musk having confirmed that the system is unable to work in inclement weather and is only most suitable for use in dense traffic on roads with clear lane markings.


BMW Criticises Tesla's Autopilot System As Not Being Fully Developed Reviewed by Hot Babes 247 on 23:34:00 Rating: 5

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